VBS Registration Vacation Bible School

“Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it”
-Mark 10:15
Westwood Vacation Bible School happens during the Summer months.
The purpose of VBS is to blend themed activities that entertain children while they learn about God. Church membership is not required to participate. VBS is typically a week-long. Children attend around three to four hours each day.
Vacation Bible School teachers are church staff, church members and volunteers. 
The cost of VBS covers snacks, craft supplies and more.
Westwood Vacation Bible School 2024
Nazareth – Jesus’ Hometown
Kids “time travel” back to Jesus’ hometown of Nazareth and experienced His life as a child.
Each day was packed full of fun, games, snacks, music, crafts and meeting new friends.
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An AMAZING first day at Westwood’s VBS with almost 70 kids signed up learning about Jesus as a boy in his hometown of Nazareth. Westwood loves all the kiddos!
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Another AMAZING day at VBS! Even more kids showed up today wearing blue-the color of the day.
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It’s “yellow” day as the kiddos learned about Jesus as a boy in his hometown of Nazareth through crafts, music snacks and visits to Mary’s home and the carpentry shop.
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Its red day! Today the kiddos learned about Jesus going to the synagogue in Nazareth as a boy like we go to our church today. We love our volunteers! 
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It’s purple day. Jesus served other and we should too!
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