With Like For Jesus


 About Us

The mission of Westwood Church is to simply make disciples who . . .

Walk with Jesus  |  Grow to become like Jesus

Live for Jesus by loving others

Learn more about Our Beliefs and Meet Our Staff & Leadership
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Join Us this Sunday:

Join us LIVE at 10:30am Sundays on Facebook or YouTube by clicking a Logo below.
Past Sermons and Livestream Memorial services are also available on our Facebook or YouTube Channel.


Thank you for visiting the Westwood Presbyterian Church website. Please join us during our services, where you will find a warm and friendly atmosphere and can feel the presence of God.

Sunday Worship Services 

The 9:00am Praise worship service is in the Sanctuary. The readings, prayers and responses read in unison are printed in the worship bulletin along with projection at the front of the Sanctuary.
The 10:30am Traditional worship service is in the Sanctuary. Also streaming live on Facebook and YouTube. The readings, prayers and responses read in unison are printed in the worship bulletin along with projection at the front of the sanctuary.


We celebrate the Sacrament of Communion-the Lord’s Supper-in worship on the 1st Sunday of each month. In the Sacrament of Communion, we remember Christ’s death until He comes again. (1 Corinthians 11:26)
Communion is open to all who believe in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, regardless of denominational affiliation or background. According to Scripture, we believe that the elements of Communion are symbolic; the bread represents Jesus’ body, broken for the sins of the world; the cup represents God’s new covenant with His people in Jesus’ blood, shed for the sins of the world. (Matt 26:26-30, Mark 14:22-25, 1 Corinthians 11:23-25)
The Sacrament of Communion is a joyful feast in which we embrace the hope of eternal life through the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, which God offers freely to all who believe.

Upcoming Events
For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.
Matthew 18:20

“Practicing the Way” by John Mark Comer is available in the library. This is the book Pastor Tom refers to in his sermon series until Easter. It can be found on the library table where the return book basket is.

February Lunch Bunch
February 27th – 11:30am
The program will be presented by Kim Rippel, who is a Board Member, with a non-profit group called Simply Hygiene. Simply Hygiene distributes personal hygiene products to over 200 schools and 87 organizations in the greater Wichita area through teachers, social workers, nurses. police officers and others in the community.
The menu will be Chick fil-A box lunches. 
Cost is $8 payable at the door.
Anyone can come to lunch bunch by making a reservation on the sign-up sheet on the table in the atrium.
NOTE: There will be a basket for bringing personal hygiene products that will be donated to Simply Hygiene.
Chili Supper and Bingo
Saturday, March 1st at 5:00pm
The Fellowship Commitee is sponsoring a chili supper/Bingo night for the congregation. Food will be provided by the Fellowship Committee. Please bring a white elephant gift for Bingo. (A white elephant gift is something in our house that you no longer need or want). Please wrap the prize and mark it as an adult or child prize. We will also be accepting food donations for Paxton’s Blessing Box. Canned goods should have pull tabs for opening. Cereal and other dry goods are also good choices. Please come and join us for an evening of fun!

Westwood VBS 2025
June 23rd thru June 27th
Save the Date

Westwood Nursery

Westwood Nursery is open for children ages Newborn to Preschool during both Worship Services.
There are 2 attendants caring and teaching children about Jesus with songs and stories.
“Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them,
for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.'”
Matthew 19:14


Sunday Morning Classes 

God’s Garden is Sunday School at 9:00am for children kindergarten to 5th grade. Children are invited to attend Children’s Church in the Sanctuary during the 10:30am Worship Service.
Middle and High School students Gather in Classroom C for Fellowship at 10:00am


Adult Sunday School with

Sharon Chester

Adults gather for Bible Study at 9:00 am every Sunday morning in Classroom A. Everyone is invited to participate in the study or just come and listen.



Fellowship Time 

Join us for Fellowship Time in the Atrium at 10:00am every Sunday. Pick up a cookie, and juice or coffee, and take the time to look around, visit with others, browse the items at the Information Desk, or just sit and relax in one of the casual seating areas.


Information Desk

The Information Desk is located in the Atrium, just outside the main doors of the Sanctuary. If you need directions to a room, would like more information about Westwood, or simply have a question, the ushers are happy to help you.

This Week At Westwood


 The Great Commission: 

“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”  —  Acts 1:8

Our Community

“In Judea and Samaria”

Mitten Tree
Neighbor to Neighbor
Meals On Wheels
Neighborhood Night Out
Embrace of Wichita
Share Our Abundance
Lend a Hand
Union Rescue Mission
Working Men of Christ
Paxton’s Blessing Box
Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts of America

Our World

“The Ends of the Earth”

Presbyterian General Mission
Presbyterian Education Board
Outstretched Hands
Dominican Republic Medical Mission
Mission Aviation Fellowship
Frontier Partners International
Alaska Christian College
One Collective



Westwood Presbyterian Church
8007 W. Maple St
Wichita, KS 67209