Upcoming Events
For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.
Matthew 18:20

“Practicing the Way” by John Mark Comer is available in the library. This is the book Pastor Tom refers to in his sermon series until Easter. It can be found on the library table where the return book basket is.

February Lunch Bunch
February 27th – 11:30am
The program will be presented by Kim Rippel, who is a Board Member, with a non-profit group called Simply Hygiene. Simply Hygiene distributes personal hygiene products to over 200 schools and 87 organizations in the greater Wichita area through teachers, social workers, nurses. police officers and others in the community.
The menu will be Chick fil-A box lunches.
Cost is $8 payable at the door.
Anyone can come to lunch bunch by making a reservation on the sign-up sheet on the table in the atrium.
NOTE: There will be a basket for bringing personal hygiene products that will be donated to Simply Hygiene.
Chili Supper and Bingo
Saturday, March 1st at 5:00pm
The Fellowship Commitee is sponsoring a chili supper/Bingo night for the congregation. Food will be provided by the Fellowship Committee. Please bring a white elephant gift for Bingo. (A white elephant gift is something in our house that you no longer need or want). Please wrap the prize and mark it as an adult or child prize. We will also be accepting food donations for Paxton’s Blessing Box. Canned goods should have pull tabs for opening. Cereal and other dry goods are also good choices. Please come and join us for an evening of fun!
Westwood VBS 2025
June 23rd thru June 27th
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